MRAB wrote:
<div class="moz-text-flowed" style="font-family: -moz-fixed">Nile wrote:
I initialized the dictionary earlier in the program like this -

  hashtable = {}

I changed the "dict" to hashtable but I still get the same result
I will try to learn about the defaultdict but I'm just trying to keep
it as simple as I can for now

Revised code

for x in range(len(file_list)):
    d = open(file_list[x] , "r")
    data = d.readlines()

What's the point of the following line?

    k = 0
    k = above_or_below(data)
    print "here is the value that was returned ",k
    hashtable[k] = hashtable.get(k,0) + 1

hashtable_list = hashtable.values()
print "here is a list of the dictionary values ", hashtable_list
print "the length of the dictionary is ", len(hashtable)

# The first 3 lines are printed from the function
# right before the return statement.  This output
# snippet shows the last two stocks.  The function
# SAYS it is returning the correct value but only
# the last date seems to make it to the hashtable

Function will return k which = 11/11/2008
Function will return k which = 11/12/2008
Function will return k which = 11/14/2008

# this line is printed from the code above
# I don't understand why all three dates don't
# seem to make it to the main program.  Only
# the last date seems to be recognized
here is the value that was returned 11/14/2008

Function will return k which = 11/11/2008
Function will return k which = 11/12/2008
Function will return k which = 11/14/2008
here is the value that was returned 11/14/2008
here is a list of the dictionary values [5]
the length of the dictionary is 1
Exit code: 0

I think there's a bug in 'above_or_below' which you haven't noticed.


The code supplied doesn't match the output supplied. It'd probably help if the output was actually pasted from the command window, instead of retyped with more comments than data. And of course it'd help if you actually showed us the function above_or_below(), which is probably where the bug is. If it prints three values, but returns a string, then why would you be surprised? Maybe you intended it to return a list?

Each time above_or_below() it's called, it prints three lines before returning, but only returns the final value. How big is file_list? I suspect it's of length 5.

And the output is shown as repeated twice, but it probably was actually five sets of data.

You do know you can print hashtable, don't you? You're extracting and printing the values, but not bothering with the keys.

I suggest you add a print to the entry point of above_or_below(), to match the one you have for its return. And all of these print lines should be indented. That might make it easier to interpret the output, without lots of inserted comments.


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