On Sun, 24 Apr 2005 03:15:02 +0200, Ivan Voras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have a string fetched from database, in iso8859-2, with 8bit characters, and I'm trying to send it over the network, via a socket:

You don't have a string fetched from a database, in iso-8859-2, alas. That is the root of the problem you're having. What you have is a unicode string.

 It's easy to go from this to what you want (iso-8859-2 encoded string), 
fortunately.  Just call unicodeStr.encode('iso-8859-2') and write the result 
over the socket.

(Does anyone else feel that python's unicode handling is, well... suboptimal at least?)

Hmm. Not really. The only problem I've found with it is misguided attempt to "do the right thing" by implicitly encoding unicode strings, and this isn't so much of a problem once you figure things out, because you can always do things explicitly and avoid invoking the implicit behavior.



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