On 2005-04-23, Mike Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>> No, you don't. My print system does that, and I don't have
>>> acrobat installed. I have ghostscript installed, which
>>> includes pdf2ps - which handles this particular translation.
>>      Okay, so you've converted one page layout language
>> (PDF) to another (PS)... To actually print it you still need a
>> RIP. A PostScript laser printer has the RIP built-in, but
>> consumer level Windows printers do not have a PostScript RIP
>> -- and some printers don't even have their own specific RIP
>> built-in ("winprinters" put the RIP into the software driver
>> that runs on the Windows machine, rather than sending drawing
>> commands to the printer for rendering).
> RIP? That term is to generic for google to be much use.

Raster Image Processor.  It renders postscript into a raster
image at the proper image.

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