On Fri, 03 Jul 2009 14:05:08 +0000, kj wrote:

> ... I find that the processing of
> abstracting out common logic often results in code that is harder to
> read ...

Yes. There is often a conflict between increasing abstraction and ease of 

> The implementation is still very simple, but maybe not very clear,
> particularly to programming novices (docstring omitted):
> def _binary_search(lo, hi, func, target, epsilon):
>     assert lo < hi
>     assert epsilon > 0

You're using assert for data sanitation. That is a very bad habit for you 
to be teaching novices. Your code will fail to behave as expected 
whenever the caller runs Python with the -O switch.

> My question is: is the business with sense and cmp too "clever"?

For production code? Maybe -- you would need to profile the code, and 
compare it to a less general, more simple-minded function, and see which 
performs better. If there is an excessive performance penalty, that's a 
good sign that perhaps you're being too clever, too general, or too 
abstract -- or all three.

Too clever for novices? That depends on how inexperienced they are -- are 
they new to Python or new to programming in general? Are they children or 
adults? Do they have a PhD degree or are they still at primary school? It 
depends on their experience and their intelligence -- dare I say it, some 
people will *never* get programming, let alone code-reuse. It also 
depends on how you lead up to it -- are you dropping them straight into 
the abstract code, or giving them two pieces of nearly the same code and 
showing them how to pull out the common functionality?


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