Nils Rüttershoff wrote:
Hi everyone,

In my free time I translate scripts from open source projects or write
my own, to train my python skills. ATM I convert the from
awstats. It merges multiple apache logfiles and sort the output by the
timestamps of each line.  My first version of this script hasn't a good
performance, so I started profiling. It turned out that the script spend
much time for converting the timestamps of the line into a struct_time
object. Here a code example (Python 2.6.2 on Ubuntu 7.10):

Rec = 
Line = ' - 4459 [02/Jul/2009:01:50:26 +0200] "GET /foo HTTP/1.0" 200 - "-" "" 
"-" "-" "-"'

def strptime():
    m = Rec.match(Line)
    if m:
        date_string =
        # date_string example: '02/Jul/2009:01:50:26'
        return time.strptime(date_string, "%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S")

with timeit this functions takes approximate 125 sec and 29.004.081
function calls (I've configured timeit with 1.000.000 runs). A look at
the output of cProfile told me that more than the half time is spent in

  1000002   11.712    0.000   19.592    0.000

  1000002    3.639    0.000   23.231    0.000

  1000002    5.162    0.000   30.271    0.000

I studied the time documentation and thought that I had to set TZ in os

os.environ['TZ'] = 'Europe/Berlin'


but that had no effect. I don't know why time.strptime() looks every
time for my locale. Maybe it's a problem with my OS locale... However.
I've introduced a work around, which works perfectly for my problem. For
time comparison I could use any sort of time representation and so I
convert to epoch:

# needed to translate month str to dig repr

Shortmonth = {'Jan' : '01',

              'Feb' : '02',

              'Mar' : '03',

              'Apr' : '04',

              'May' : '05',

              'Jun' : '06',

              'Jul' : '07',

              'Aug' : '08',

              'Sep' : '09',

              'Oct' : '10',

              'Nov' : '11',

              'Dec' : '12'}

Rec = 

Line = ' - 4459 [02/Jul/2009:01:50:26 +0200] "GET /foo HTTP/1.0" 200 - "-" "" 
"-" "-" "-"'

def epoch():

    m = Rec.match(Line)

    if m:

        result = m.groupdict()

        date_tuple = (result["year"], Shortmonth[result["month"]], result["day"], result["hour"], 
result["min"], result["sec"], -1, -1, -1)

        date_tuple = map(int,date_tuple)

        return time.mktime(date_tuple)

with this workaround I had a speed up to 4 times; it tooks only 31 sec
with only 5.000.009 function calls. Maybe this helps some of you, who
had the similar problems with time conversion....

...But one big question remains: Why time.strptime() checks everytime
the locale? had I missed something or could I have a problem with my OS

With python 3.1 there is no difference, unless that time.strptime() took
approx 12 sec longer... :(

regards, Nils

Here a complete test script:


import time

import timeit

import cProfile

import re

# needed to tranlate month str to dig repr

Shortmonth = {'Jan' : '01',

              'Feb' : '02',

              'Mar' : '03',

              'Apr' : '04',

              'May' : '05',

              'Jun' : '06',

              'Jul' : '07',

              'Aug' : '08',

              'Sep' : '09',

              'Oct' : '10',

              'Nov' : '11',

              'Dec' : '12'}

Rec1 = 

Rec2 = 

Line = ' - 4459 [02/Jul/2009:01:50:26 +0200] "GET /foo HTTP/1.0" 200 - "-" "" 
"-" "-" "-"'

def epoch():

    m = Rec1.match(Line)

    if m:

        result = m.groupdict()

        date_tuple = (result["year"], Shortmonth[result["month"]], result["day"], result["hour"], 
result["min"], result["sec"], -1, -1, -1)

        date_tuple = map(int,date_tuple)

        return time.mktime(date_tuple)

def strptime():

    m = Rec2.match(Line)

    if m:

        date_string =

        return time.strptime(date_string, "%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S")

if __name__ == "__main__":

    t1 = timeit.Timer("epoch()","from __main__ import epoch")

    t2 = timeit.Timer("strptime()", "from __main__ import strptime")"t1.timeit();print")

    print """t2.timeit();print")

As you say, if you don't actually need the datetime fields, why waste time generating them. You gained a lot more than the time spent in locale(), so your algorithm must be faster than the one in strptime(). That frequently happens when you write a special case for code which is otherwise general.

Notice that only a quarter of the time is spent in locale logic (30.271 secs). You can't add up the three terms since they're measuring the same thing. Every call to getlocale() results in a call to

_parse_localename(), so the cumulative times of the latter are already included 
in the cumulative times in getlocale().

Why does it need to call locale() ?  How else is it going to know how to spell 
the 11th month?


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