Hi everyone,
In my free time I translate scripts from open source projects or write
my own, to train my python skills. ATM I convert the aplogmerge.pl from
awstats. It merges multiple apache logfiles and sort the output by the
timestamps of each line. My first version of this script hasn't a good
performance, so I started profiling. It turned out that the script spend
much time for converting the timestamps of the line into a struct_time
object. Here a code example (Python 2.6.2 on Ubuntu 7.10):
Rec =
Line = ' - 4459 [02/Jul/2009:01:50:26 +0200] "GET /foo HTTP/1.0" 200 - "-" "www.example.org"
"-" "-" "-"'
def strptime():
m = Rec.match(Line)
if m:
date_string = m.group(1)
# date_string example: '02/Jul/2009:01:50:26'
return time.strptime(date_string, "%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S")
with timeit this functions takes approximate 125 sec and 29.004.081
function calls (I've configured timeit with 1.000.000 runs). A look at
the output of cProfile told me that more than the half time is spent in
1000002 11.712 0.000 19.592 0.000 locale.py:316(normalize)
1000002 3.639 0.000 23.231 0.000 locale.py:382(_parse_localename)
1000002 5.162 0.000 30.271 0.000 locale.py:481(getlocale)
I studied the time documentation and thought that I had to set TZ in os
os.environ['TZ'] = 'Europe/Berlin'
but that had no effect. I don't know why time.strptime() looks every
time for my locale. Maybe it's a problem with my OS locale... However.
I've introduced a work around, which works perfectly for my problem. For
time comparison I could use any sort of time representation and so I
convert to epoch:
# needed to translate month str to dig repr
Shortmonth = {'Jan' : '01',
'Feb' : '02',
'Mar' : '03',
'Apr' : '04',
'May' : '05',
'Jun' : '06',
'Jul' : '07',
'Aug' : '08',
'Sep' : '09',
'Oct' : '10',
'Nov' : '11',
'Dec' : '12'}
Rec =
Line = ' - 4459 [02/Jul/2009:01:50:26 +0200] "GET /foo HTTP/1.0" 200 - "-" "www.example.org"
"-" "-" "-"'
def epoch():
m = Rec.match(Line)
if m:
result = m.groupdict()
date_tuple = (result["year"], Shortmonth[result["month"]], result["day"], result["hour"],
result["min"], result["sec"], -1, -1, -1)
date_tuple = map(int,date_tuple)
return time.mktime(date_tuple)
with this workaround I had a speed up to 4 times; it tooks only 31 sec
with only 5.000.009 function calls. Maybe this helps some of you, who
had the similar problems with time conversion....
...But one big question remains: Why time.strptime() checks everytime
the locale? had I missed something or could I have a problem with my OS
With python 3.1 there is no difference, unless that time.strptime() took
approx 12 sec longer... :(
regards, Nils
Here a complete test script:
import time
import timeit
import cProfile
import re
# needed to tranlate month str to dig repr
Shortmonth = {'Jan' : '01',
'Feb' : '02',
'Mar' : '03',
'Apr' : '04',
'May' : '05',
'Jun' : '06',
'Jul' : '07',
'Aug' : '08',
'Sep' : '09',
'Oct' : '10',
'Nov' : '11',
'Dec' : '12'}
Rec1 =
Rec2 =
Line = ' - 4459 [02/Jul/2009:01:50:26 +0200] "GET /foo HTTP/1.0" 200 - "-" "www.example.org"
"-" "-" "-"'
def epoch():
m = Rec1.match(Line)
if m:
result = m.groupdict()
date_tuple = (result["year"], Shortmonth[result["month"]], result["day"], result["hour"],
result["min"], result["sec"], -1, -1, -1)
date_tuple = map(int,date_tuple)
return time.mktime(date_tuple)
def strptime():
m = Rec2.match(Line)
if m:
date_string = m.group(1)
return time.strptime(date_string, "%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S")
if __name__ == "__main__":
t1 = timeit.Timer("epoch()","from __main__ import epoch")
t2 = timeit.Timer("strptime()", "from __main__ import strptime")
print ""