En Tue, 30 Jun 2009 15:02:21 -0300, kaffeen <kaff...@gmail.com> escribió:
Hello all, just joined this list and am just beginning to learn Python.
Thanks to everyone for making this a great place to learn and their
As mentioned, I'm new to Python (but have experience with other
languages/scripting). I have a couple of questions...
1) Where might I find a comprehensive list of changes between Python 2.x
You may read the "What's new?" documents for 3.0 and 3.1:
If you're learning Python the differences aren't so important now (the
most obvious being that the print statement becomes a function). If you're
using a book covering Python 2.x, install the latest on that series
(2.6.2). Support for Python 3 is increasing but many 3rd party libraries
have not been ported yet.
3) Is there an IDE for Python development, which is the best?
Look in the wiki:
or search past messages in this list. The topic arises every two months or
so. There is no definitive answer.
4) I can't seem to install IPython for my 3.x branch (and I did install
readline), I get the following error via Windows executable installation,
*** run_installscript: internal error 0xFFFFFFFF ***.........it installs
fine with my 2.5.1 branch. Is IPython not compatible with Python 3.x? If
compatible, is there a timeline for compatibility?
Ask the IPython team; but unless a project explicitely states that it's
compatible with Python 3, you should assume it isn't.
Gabriel Genellina