list("".join([("a","b"*2)[x] for x in [1,0,0,1]])

50 characters. Do I win £5?

list("".join([("a","bb")[x] for x in [1,0,0,1]])

Or 49 :o)

Well, you have a missing ")" character, but that would be the 49th. You can[*] abuse python's parsing by removing certain spaces with

  list(''.join([('a','bb')[x]for x in[1,0,0,1]]))

bringing you down to 47. In more recent versions of Python, you can then pass a generator instead of a list-comprehension:

  list(''.join(('a','bb')[x]for x in[1,0,0,1]))

bringing you to 45.


[*] not *should*, but *can*


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