Jeremy Bowers wrote:
I have an image in the Python Image Library. I'm trying to get it into PyGTK in color. Is there any way to do this cross-platform, preferably without writing to anything to the disk?
PIL apparently can't write XPMs. GTK will only take XPMs, that I can see. Therein lies the rub. I can ship over monochrome bitmaps via XBM, but I'd rather be able to ship over full color.
the first two google hits for "PyGTK PIL" are
which provides a StringIO-based solution, and
which discusses draw_rgb_image and friends, and says that "if you can convert your PIL image to a pixel data string or buffer object, you could use them to display the image". here's some code that seems to do exactly that:
(but maybe this is some kind of stupid "a bitmap isn't a pixmap isn't an image" thing? if so, I suggest getting a modern windowing system ;-)