On 2005-04-22, Reinhold Birkenfeld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>>> Sure, but what about the case where his program is on paper
>>>> tape and all he has for an editor is an ice pick?
>>> Then inserting goto doesn't seem to be an acceptable option
>>> either ;)
>> Scissors, tape, and a box full of prepunched "goto" and
>> "label" statements.  Of course you could do the same with a
>> bunch of pre-punched """ tape-chunks.
> Why? You just cut out the piece of paper you want to comment,
> put it in your drawer labeled "comments", and insert it again
> when you need it.

I'd never be able to find it when I needed to put it back in. :)

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Like I always
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