All, I've been looking at the trace module, and although it looks useful, I'm surprised that there aren't a couple of features that I would have thought would be fairly basic. So, does trace support (for the --trace option):
- indentation tracking stacklevel (where each function is prefixed by tabs equal to the number of stacklevels deep in the program) - output to something other than sys.stdout (eg. output to a file specified either by environmental variable or by parameter). - mult-threaded programs going to multiple output handles, especially in light of the above - fully qualified python modules in path: (eg: /path/to/module/ print "HERE" instead of print "HERE". Ultimately, I'd like to be able to look at two runs of a program and be able to pinpoint the very first difference between thembased on the output of their trace runs. As it stands, I really can't do this. Of course I could implement the above, but I was hoping to avoid duplicated effort if someone has already implemented options like this..I posted the above to the python-dev list, they suggested I take it here, so any help would be appreciated. Ed --