Thanks for your reply I started writing the script.. I have gone through documentation for getopt
import string, getopt, sys def usage(): print ''' -- uses getopt to recognize options Options: -n -- No -t -- T -h -- help -i -- i -o -- Output:filename''' sys.exit(1) def main(): print "SYS ARGV: ", ",".join(sys.argv) # Define the Options Options = { 'n:': 'Number=', 't:': 'T', 'h' : 'help', 'i' : 'i', 'o' : 'Output_file', } shortOpts = ''.join(Options.keys()) longOpts = Options.values() try: (opts, args) = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], shortOpts, longOpts) except getopt.error, msg: print "Unrecognized argument or option" # end try for (opt, arg) in opts: if opt in ('-n', '--Number'): print '-n is the Number', Number sys.exit() elif opt in ('-t', '--T'): print '-t is the T', T sys.exit() elif opt in ('-h', '--help'): usage() print " " sys.exit() elif opt in ('-i', '--i'): print " I", i elif opt in ('-o', '--Output Filename'): print "Output", Output # end if # end for print "OPTS: ", ",".join([repr(o) for o in opts]) print "ARGS: ", ",".join(args) if __name__ == "__main__": main() with the above code, I am planning to do command line parsing. But how to run unix shell command? DO i have to use os Module/ import command? How should i proceed further, to import commands commands.getstatusoutput('ls /bin/ls') Please suggest me some ideas how to proceed further Thanks --