In message <>, Wilbert 
Berendsen wrote:

> I' prefer:
> value = (['first'][0] * baz.quux(1, 2)[5:9] +
>          calculate_number(10, 20) * forbulate(500, 360))

I prefer using a two-dimensional layout to make the expression 
structure more obvious:

    value = \
['first'][0] * baz.quux(1, 2)[5:9]
          calculate_number(10, 20) * forbulate(500, 360)

In this case it's not necessary, but if the factors were really long, this 
could become

    value = \
                baz.quux(1, 2)[5:9]
                calculate_number(10, 20)
                forbulate(500, 360)


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