Piet van Oostrum wrote:
I notice that I see several postings on news:comp.lang.python that are
replies to other postings that I don't see. Examples are the postings by
Dennis Lee Bieber <wlfr...@ix.netcom.com> that I am replying to (but I
break the thread on purpose). For example the posting with Message-ID:
<mailman.1883.1245538633.8015.python-l...@python.org> references:
<77e831100906192220y5536d9d2oe5ca2dcc59084...@mail.gmail.com> which is
not present on my news server. I have been wondering why these
disappear, and I noticed the following in the Dennis Lee Bieber posting:
On Sat, 20 Jun 2009 11:48:21 -0600, Vincent Davis
<vinc...@vincentdavis.net> declaimed the following in
So apparently some of these come through gmane.comp.python.general.
I am posting and reading thru gmane and generally see no problem.
Sometimes I do see replies before the posting being replied.
Sometimes certain posts get 'echoed' about week after the original
posting date. If a reply gets echoed, but not the original, and one
missed both originally, that can look weird.
So my question is: would this be the cause of these disappearing
postings? Are postings on gmane.comp.python.general not relayed to
comp.lang.python? Are they relayed to the python mailing list? I find it
quite disturbing that sometimes only half of a discussion is visible.