Hi everyone.

I'm looking to find out what people are using for an open source wysiwyg GUI 
developer. I'm running both Linux and Windows but prefer to do my 
development in Linux. I've got the most experience with Tkinter but am 
willing to look at wxPython and Tix as well.

Thus far I've looked into PAGE and SpecTcl. The version of PAGE I've 
downloaded doesn't quite look like the online manual so I'm wondering about 
that. SpecTcl seems cool but I can't locate SpecPython by either Erik Brunel 
or Richard Colley, and the SpecTix page is down as well, as is the 
GUIBuilder page.

All the sites I've looked at seem to date back to somewhere between 2002 and 
2006. Any help would be much appreciated.



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