
For the past few weeks, a self-professed
internet evangelist has posted several times
to several news groups to claim several
points as facts. It would appear that these
assertions do not stand up to close
examination, logic and reason, and stand in
direct contradiction to the explicit text
attributed to Almighty God as found in the


Mr. Ron Grossi's claim that "God tells us in
the Bible" that in order to get to heaven
people need to believe "Christ is Lord" or
"Christ as Lord" or "Christ Lord" depending
on the version of the Bible you have, and
that furthermore, people also need to believe
that "God raised Him from the dead" is
typical of the issues we face with his post.

First of all, it is not Almighty God that is
telling us these things. It is non other than
(St.) Paul, whom most Christian scholars
believe never to have met Christ, peace and
blessing of Almighty God be upon him (PBBUH)
in the flesh while he lived on this earth,
that is allegedly doing the telling, writing
in the book of Romans, not Almighty God.

And who is Paul, does anyone know? The reader
is advised to read from the Bible from the
book of Acts:

"But when Paul perceived that the one part
were Sadducees, and the other Pharisees, he
cried out in the council, Men and brethren, I
am a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee: of the
hope and resurrection of the dead I am called
in question." (Acts 23: 6)

And what did Christ PBBUH himself say
concerning those?

"Then Jesus said unto them, Take heed and
beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of
the Sadducees." (Matthew 16: 6)

And so it appears that Mr. Grossi is
attributing the alleged words of Paul, whom
if we are to believe in the Bible, we now
know who he is and what we should do about
his leaven, to Almighty God!

Secondly, the words of Paul and the post of
Mr. Grossi imply that "Christ is Lord" is equal
to "Christ is LORD", i.e. that to get to
heaven people need to believe that Christ is
Almighty God Himself; but this contradicts
"the word of God" as found in the Bible, and
even the words attributed to Christ PBBUH
himself in the first person as found in the
New Testament. Please bear with me.

It is in the Bible that we read Christ PBBUH
repeatedly described as "a man" (Acts
2: 22) and we even read words attributed to
him in the first person testifying that he is
"the son of man" (Luke 9: 58). And it is in
the same Bible that we read it proclaimed
time after time that "God is not a man ...
neither the son of man" (Numbers 23: 19).

And so unless one wishes to dispute what the
meaning of the word "is" is, then the Numbers
verse mean what it says: Christ PBBUH was not
God, is not God, and never will be God.
Period. After all "God is not a man"
(Numbers 23: 19) from the beginning of time,
during the time Christ PBBUH walked this
earth, and until the end of time.

Now if Paul meant "Lord" as meaning
"nobleman", "person in position of
authority", or "title prefixed to named of
peers and barons" (all quoted from the A.L.
Dictionary of Current English), then
referring to Christ PBBUH as such would have
been fair.

It is so because with the English translation
of the Bible originating from an environment
where "Lords" abound, it would be a fair
practice to attribute the word "Lord" in its
earthly connotations to Christ PBBUH.
Needless to say that as a messenger and
prophet of Almighty God, Christ PBBUH does
indeed deserve that title, especially with
divine authority to back him up.

Perhaps it is worth mentioning that Abraham,
Jacob, and many other prophets, peace and
blessings of Almighty God be upon them
(PBBUT), were also referred to as lords. (See
Genesis 18: 12, and Genesis 32: 4).

Implying, however, like Mr. Grossi and others
of like mind do, that "Lord" actually means
"LORD", then we should refer them back to
(Numbers 23: 19) I guess. After all, it is
either Almighty God is telling the truth, or
they are. There is exclusivity here. God is
either a man, or He is not a man. And I don't
know about you, but I prefer to believe
Almighty God over anyone else.

Thirdly, In all the versions of the Bible I
have I cannot find one rendering which reads
like Mr. Grossi's quote.

Mr. Grossi's:
"... and believe in your heart that God
raised Him from the dead, you WILL

"... and shalt believe in thine heart that
God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt
be saved." (Romans 10: 9)

"... and believe in your heart that God raised
him from the dead, you will be saved."
(Romans 10: 9)

".. and shalt believe in thy heart that God
raised him from the dead, thou shalt be
saved:" (Romans 10: 9)

"... and mayest believe in thy heart that God did
raise him out of the dead, thou shalt be
saved," (Romans 10: 9)

Note that in all versions of the Bible quoted
from that Mr. Grossi's "God raised Him" is
rendered (more or less) "God raised him." The
word "him," referring to Christ PBBUH, is in
lower case. This shows that this Biblical
text, even when attributed to Paul, seems
still in keeping with the spirit of Numbers
23: 19, namely that "God is not a man ...
neither the son of a man" to deserve a
capitalized LORD, so to speak. That Mr.
Grossi or people of like mind are miss-
quoting here and then implying an anti-truth
does not make this miss-quote divine truth by
their merely repeating it.

Also do note that it reads "God raised him."
In other words, the raising is attributed
here to Almighty God, while the object of the
raising is meant to be Christ PBBUH. And
the fact that "him" was used instead of
"Himself" effectively rules out (also in
keeping with the spirit of the word of God as
found in the Bible that God is not a man)
that Christ PBBUH was ever God.


Mr. Grossi then proceeds to claim that:

"Over 2000 years ago God came from Heaven
to earth in the person of Jesus Christ to
shed His blood and die on a cross to pay
our sin debt in full."

It does not take much to note that this is
a claim yet to be backed up with supporting
evidence. As a matter of fact and after
reading from 1 Kings (see below) one would be
quick to conclude that this claim is yet
again made in direct contradiction to the
"word of God" as found in the Bible.

"But will God indeed dwell on the earth?
behold, the heaven and heaven of heavens
cannot contain thee; how much less this house
that I have builded?" (1 Kings 8: 27)

So, it is according to the Bible of all books
that not only "God is not a man ... neither
the son of man," but also that "God will not
dwell on the earth." Why? Not that we need to
know why, but apparently because "the heaven
and heaven of heavens cannot contain God."
Note that these are not my words. These are
verbatim words quoted from the Bible.


It comes as no surprise to me that when Mr.
Grossi miss-quotes from the Bible and resorts to
quoting the very people Christ PBBUH warned
against) to attribute certain words to
Almighty God that he will arrive at the exact
opposite of what he intended for.

The holy book of the Muslims is explicitly
clear on the idea of the alleged crucifixion of
Christ PBBUH, and that of the original sin.
Muslims are told that to believe that we (as
humans) are to be held accountable for our
fathers' sins is to imply that Almighty
God, may He be glorified above all of this,
is an imperfect unjust God. That for us (as
humans) to believe that Almighty God requires
the death of an innocent man (in the person
of Christ PBBUH) to die for the mistakes of
anyone also implies that Almighty God, may He
be glorified above all of this, is an
imperfect unjust God.

But since Almighty God is PERFECT in every
way: power, knowledge, mercy, justice, etc.,
then to believe in the message of Grossi here
is to attach an imperfection to Almighty
God, and is to belittle Almighty God's
supreme qualities and Majestic Being. In fact
the Qur'an argues that people who do that
(i.e., believe that God will blame us for the
mistakes of others, or that He requires the
blood of an innocent man for the forgiving of
the sins of the guilty) are not actually
worshiping the one true God. Yes Almighty
God created everyone, but you see, He has
none of these qualities that people like
Grossi here attribute to the "God" they
worship. Hence they are worshiping somebody
or something other than the true Almighty
perfect God.

It is in this light (in spite of the repeated
messages of anyone) that it becomes revealing
if the Qur'anic claim that Christ PBBUH was
not crucified is actually verified in the

If we quote from the Qur'an for a change, we
read Almighty God asserting the following
while speaking of those who boast that they
killed the Messiah of God:

"That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ
Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of
Allah";- but they killed him not, nor
crucified him, but so it was made to appear
to them, and those who differ therein are
full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge,
but only conjecture to follow, for of a
surety they killed him not:-"
(Translation, Qur'an, 4: 157)

This is an amazingly bold statement. One that
could have come only from one who knows the
facts. So let's study this matter in the


If we are to examine whether Christ PBBUH was
crucified or not, we need to agree on common
ground and define (or underline the meaning
of) some words. One would have to study what
"crucified" and "resurrected" mean, and then
see whether after his alleged crucifixion and
resurrection, Christ's nature PBBUH agrees with
these definitions.


According to the English language crucify
means "to cause death by hanging or impaling
on the cross." Note that death has to occur
on the cross for the act of crucifixion to be
considered to have taken place.

Many people in the Philippines stage mock
"crucifixions" around the time of "Good Friday"
to mark the alleged sacrifice of Christ PBBUH.
But the mere fact, however, that these people
are brought down alive from the crosses
automatically nullifies the notion that
actual crucifixions did take place.

After all, if one is brought down from the
cross and he walks around smoking cigarettes
then he was not technically speaking
crucified. Yes, he was put up on the cross,
but since that did not cause death then
(according to the universally agreed norms of
language and reason) one cannot say that the
said man was crucified and be telling the truth.

The deficiency is in the English language
which cannot differentiate between putting
some one up on the cross and having that
person die on the cross because of being put
on it. In fact it is for this reason that
some scholars (Ahmed Deedat of South Africa)
have suggested the introduction of the word
"cruci-ficion", i.e. made-believe
crucifixion, as in a work of fiction, into the
English language.


Having known what crucifixion means (as
opposed to cruci-ficion) let's move on to
study the word "resurrected."

Amazingly enough, it is in the Bible the one
finds Christ PBBUH himself in the first
person defining the resurrected as follows:
"... neither can they die any more for they
are equal unto the angles ..." (Luke 20: 36) whom
the Bible explains are "spirits" (Psalms 104:
4), a definition confirmed by Paul who explains
that the resurrected have a "spiritual body"
(1 Corinthians: 15: 44).

Now having known from the Bible (of all books)
that the resurrected are spirits, ghosts, or
spooks, and that to be crucified one would
have to die on the cross, let's study the
state of Christ PBBUH after his alleged
crucifixion and resurrection to see if he
fits the definitions of these words.


In the Bible, you will read that at the most
crucial juncture of the life of Jesus *all* his
disciples forsook him and fled. All of them.
Read from (Mark 14: 50): "And they all forsook him,
and fled."

So the Bible reports Jesus is hanged on the
cross; this is what people were talking
about. This is what the disciples had heard
from hearsay, because they had "ALL FORSOOK
HIM AND FLED." (Mark 14: 50) (Emphasis added).
Likewise, they had heard from hearsay that
Christ PBBUH had given up the ghost on the
cross. This is what people were talking
about. This is what the absent disciples
assumed then to be the sad end to their Rabbi.

Proof of that is evident in their terror when
Christ PBBUH goes to the upper room after his
alleged crucifixion and resurrection, when he
says to them: "Peace be unto you." (Luke
24: 36). [This is the official Muslim greeting
by the way].

Instead of going to kiss and hug their Rabbi,
"they were terrified and affrighted, and
supposed that they had seen a spirit." (Luke
24: 37).

Why were they terrified? They were so because
they thought they had seen a *spirit*. After
all they had heard (as opposed to witnessed)
that Christ PBBUH had given up the ghost on the

But did they? Did they see a spirit?


Speaking after his alleged crucifixion
and resurrection (when he ought to have been
a spirit), Christ PBBUH is reported as saying:

"And he said unto them, Why are ye troubled?
and why do thoughts arise in your hearts?
Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I
myself: handle me, and see; for a SPIRIT hath
not FLESH and BONES, as ye SEE me HAVE."
(Luke 24:38-39) (Emphasis is mine)

Christ PBBUH is emphatic about it: Christ
PBBUH says he was no spirit. Christ PBBUH
says he is still alive. And alive does not
equal resurrected. Must we remind ourselves
that a resurrected entity in Christ's own words
is "equal unto the angels." (Luke 20:36),
i.e., spirit, spook, ghost?


And so here we must ask Mr. Grossi to please
tell the truth seeker, that according to your own
scriptures that the resurrected are not
spirits, when your own Bible says they are
so. Tell them that (St.) Paul didn't define
the resurrected as having "spiritual bodies,"
(1 Corinthians: 15: 44), when he did so. Tell
them that Christ did not define the
resurrected as "equal unto the angles," (Luke
20: 36), when he preached so. Tell them that
your own scriptures does not say that the
angels are spirits, (Psalms 104: 4) when it
does so. Tell them that a spirit has flesh
and bones, when Christ himself says it is not
so. Tell them that Christ was not of flesh
and bones after he allegedly died for our
sins, when he himself says he was so. Please
tell them.

Please tell them how when asked in four
different places in the Bible "how can I
inherit eternal life?" that instead of
repeating his unchanging answer: your
salvation is in the law, keep the
commandments (See Mark 10:17-19, Luke 18:18-
20, Luke 10:25-28, and Matthew 19:16-19),
that Christ PBBUH says "believe that I am God
incarnate and you shall be saved" when he
never did so. Tell them that he answers
"believe I am part of a trinity and you shall
be saved" when he never preached so. Tell
them that he proclaims "wait until I am
crucified and then accept my sacrifice after
I am resurrected and you shall be saved" when
he never once said so. Not once. Please tell


Iniquity is injustice. This act takes place
when one is entrusted to judge in a matter
and he/she takes the right of someone and
gives to another without proof and rightfull
claim and in spite of the same.

Can you guess what is the highest form of
iniquity? It is the taking of the right to
deity (which is rightfully and uniquely
Almighty God's) and giving it to those who
don't deserve it, to those who never claimed it,
and to those who even denied it.

Almighty God says, warning us:

"And the two seas are not alike: this, fresh,
sweet, good to drink, this (other) bitter,
salt. And from them both ye eat fresh meat
and derive the ornament that ye wear. And
thou seest the ship cleaving them with its
prow that ye may seek of His bounty, and that
haply ye may give thanks.

"He maketh the night to pass into the day and
He maketh the day to pass into the night. He
hath subdued the sun and moon to service.
Each runneth unto an appointed term. Such is
Allah, your Lord; His is the Sovereignty; and
those unto whom ye pray instead of Him own
not so much as the white spot on a date-

"If ye pray unto them they hear not your
prayer, and if they heard they could not
grant it you. On the Day of Resurrection they
will disown association with you. None can
inform you like Him Who is Aware.

"O mankind! Ye are the poor in your relation
to Allah. And Allah! He is the Absolute, the
Owner of Praise.

"If He will, He can be rid of you and bring
(instead of you) some new creation. That is
not a hard thing for Allah."
(Translation, Glorious Qur'an, 35: 12-17)

As foretold by Almighty God in the Qur'anic
verse 15 shown above, Christ's PBBUH
Judgement's Day words to those who work
iniquity is amazingly confirmed in the Bible:

"Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord,
have we not prophesied in thy name? and in
thy name have cast out devils? and in thy
name done many wonderful works?

"And then will I profess unto them, I
never knew you: depart from me, ye that work
iniquity." (Matthew 7: 22-23)


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