I have an image that displays on a canvas that works unless I put the same code in a class. I can't figure that out. Here's what works:
def uts5100(self): self.screen = Toplevel( self.master ) self.screen.geometry("+100+50") self.screen.grab_set() self.screen.focus_set() self.screenType = "uts5100" self.canvas = Canvas(self.screen) self.canvas.create_image(20, 20, image = self.empty5100, anchor=NW, tags = "chasis" ) self.canvas.pack() The image is opened in another function: def openImages(self): self.empty5100 = ImageTk.PhotoImage( Image.open("Images/" + "5100empty.bmp") ) However if I do the same thing, but in it's own class, the image does not appear: def uts5100(self): sys5100 = UTS5100( self.master ) class UTS5100: def __init__(self, master): self.master = master self.openImages() self.draw() def openImages(self): self.empty5100 = ImageTk.PhotoImage( Image.open("Images/" + "5100empty.bmp") ) def draw(self): self.screen = Toplevel( self.master ) self.screen.geometry("+100+50") self.screen.grab_set() self.screen.focus_set() self.screenType = "uts5100" self.canvas = Canvas(self.screen) self.image = self.canvas.create_image(20, 20, image = self.empty5100, anchor=NW, tags = "chasis" ) self.canvas.pack() They are called from a button that when pressed creates the window where the image is supposed to appear. Obviously there is something that I am missing when putting this window into it's own class, but I can't figure it out. Anyone got an idea why this is happening? Thanks -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list