edexter wrote:
On Jun 16, 12:27 pm, Stef Mientki <stef.mien...@gmail.com> wrote:
I am pleased to announce the first full alpha release of PyLab_Works, v0.3.
PyLab_Works is a modular Visual Development Environment, based on
data-flow programming technics. PyLab_Works is specially aimed at
Education, Engineering and Science. The ideas behind PyLab_Works are,
that the final user should not be burdened with programming details and
domain details, whereas the domain expert should be able to implement
the specific domain knowledge without being a full educated programmer.
You can always find my notes on PyLab_Works on
Most of these pages are also collected in a single pdf document, which
can be found here:
The source code and a one-button-Windows-Installer can be found on
The files are rather large, because they contain some data samples.
The Windows-Installer contains everything you need to get started with
PyLab_Works: ConfigObj, gprof2dot, HTTPlib, MatPlotLib, Numpy, Pickle,
Psyco, pyclbr, PyGame, PyLab_Works, PyODBC, Python, RLCompleter, Scipy,
Sendkeys, SQLite3, SQLObject, URLparse, wave, Visual, win32*, wxPython.
Although the PyLab_Works programs are compiled with Py2Exe, all the
source files are explicitly included.
have fun,
Stef Mientki
program didn't start because .dll is missing (sorry I don't have the
name)... I don't know if that is just an issue with the installer
with vista or not (missing msv something 71. dll)
You probably mean the microsoft visual C++ runtime (msvcr71.dll),
windows vista has a brand new way (via manifest files) to make it more
difficult to install compiled binaries.
Search for 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package' and
install it.
'If consumed, best digested with added seasoning to own preference.'