Nikolaus Rath wrote:
> Hi,
> Are there any best practices for handling multi-line log messages?
> For example, the program,
>     main = logging.getLogger()
>     handler = logging.StreamHandler()
>     handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s 
> %(message)s'))
>     main.addHandler(handler)
>     main.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
>     try:
>         bla = 42/0
>     except:
>         main.exception("Oops...")
> generates the log messages
> 2009-06-16 22:19:57,515 INFO Starting
> 2009-06-16 22:19:57,518 ERROR Oops...
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/nikratio/lib/EclipseWorkspace/playground/src/", line 
> 27, in <module>
>     bla = 42/0
> ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
> which are a mess in any logfile because they make it really difficult to
> parse.
> How do you usually handle multi-line messages? Do you avoid them
> completely (and therefore also the exception logging facilities provided
> by logging)? Or is it possible to tweak the formatter so that it inserts
> the prefix at the beginning of every line? 

The next line that starts with a timestamp is part of the next log.

If you added timestamp on every line, that would be much more difficult
to parse. You could do something like:

import re

timestamp_re = '...'
messages = []

for line in open('log.log'):
    if timestamp_re.match(line):

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