Scott David Daniels wrote:
roop wrote:
I was browsing, and found something that I thought was
odd in class Contrast:
class Contrast(_Enhance):
"Adjust image contrast"
<broken code>
<correct analysis>
Good catch [I'll send a copy to the imaging sig]. If you replace class
Over on image-sig, Fredrik Lundh responded:
> And the award for finding the oldest bug in PIL goes to... (that code
> was last touched in 1996).
> I've checked in a last-second fix for 1.1.7 (to be frozen any day soon
> now, promise).
> Thanks /F
Congrats, roop, on getting this discovered just in the nick of time.
The code he uses is:
class Contrast(_Enhance):
"Adjust image contrast"
def __init__(self, image):
self.image = image
mean = int(ImageStat.Stat(image.convert("L")).mean[0] + 0.5)
self.degenerate ="L", image.size,
--Scott David Daniels