Hi, I'd like to know if I am trying to do something impossible or I am just being unable to find how to do it. In the latter case, please... help me...
I´ve implemented a python class Graph, which handles graphs (with its nodes, edges, finding paths, etc). In my text-menu interface, I can add nodes, delete nodes, add edges, find shortest routes, etc. I simply create a graph_object before presenting the text menu and then, when a user choses a command (eg. add-node) I call the method of this object with the appropiate parameters. Now... I need to "translate" this text-menu interface to a web interface. The same as the text-menu interface, but letting the user do it through the web. I have created an HTML that lets the user enter the parameters and chose which command to execute by pushing different buttons. But... My problem is that I don't know how to create a graph_object that remains persistent through time (it has to be the same graph_object for the first command as for the last one "pushed" by the user). I want to be able to create the object when the user enters the web page (by calling graph_object = Graph(id="graph1")) and then make calls to graph_object methods when the user pushes a button. I'm using python2.3, mod_python and Apache. Any help will be greatly appreaciated. Ramon -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list