On 12 Giu, 00:18, "Harry" <h...@pillai.co.uk> wrote:
> HI ,
> I have number of process run on different windows servers which run's with
> different command line parameters. for example "process.exe -input<ddd>
> statusurl:http://sss.com";., These parameters can vary from host to host.
> using Psexec I know the PID and process name which are running on these
> machines, but how I can read the command line parameters of these process.
> Is there a way to read these command line of the proess via python pls?
> any feedback appreciated..
> thanks
> Hari

You can easily do this with psutil [1]:

>>> import psutil, os
>>> p = psutil.Process(os.getpid())
>>> p.cmdline

Since psutil uses the native Windows calls to retrieve such kind of
info it's a lot faster than using any WMI-based solution.

[1] http://code.google.com/p/psutil/

--- Giampaolo

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