Tim Chase wrote:
I would like to extract values corresponding to variable DIHED (here
4660.1650) and getting also the mean value from all DIHED.

To just pull the DIHED values, you can use this:

   import re
   find_dihed_re = re.compile(r'\bDIHED\s*=\s*([.-e\d]+)', re.I)
   total = count = 0
   for line in file('file.txt'):
     m = find_dihed_re.search(line)
     if m:
       str_value = m.group(1)
         f = float(str_value)
         total += f
         count += 1
         print "Not a float: %s" % str_value
   print "Total:", total
   print "Count:", count
   if count:
     print "Average:", total/count

If you want a general parser for the file, it takes a bit more work.

Just because I was a little bored:

  import re
  pair_re = re.compile(r'\b([^=:]+)\s*[=:]\s*([-.e\d]+)', re.I)
  def builder(fname='file.txt'):
    thing = {}
    for line in file(fname):
      if not line.strip(): continue
      line = line.upper()
      if 'NSTEP' in line:   # 1
        # it's a new thing  # 1
        if thing:           # 1
          yield thing       # 1
          thing = {}        # 1
        (k.strip(), float(v))
        for k,v in pair_re.findall(line)
      #if 'EWALD' in line:   # 2
      #  # it's a new thing  # 2
      #  if thing:           # 2
      #    yield thing       # 2
      #    thing = {}        # 2
    if thing:
      yield thing

  # average the various values to demo
  total = count = 0
  for thing in builder():
    total += thing.get('DIHED', 0)
    count += 1

  print "Total:", total
  print "Count:", count
  if count:
    print "Average:", total/count

This makes a more generic parser (comment/uncomment the corresponding "# 1" or "# 2" code based on whether a new block is found by a first line containing "NSTEP" or a last line containing "EWALD"). This yields a dictionary for each item in the input file. You can pull out whichever value(s) you want to manipulate.



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