class EventListener: def eventOccurred(self, eventType): pass
The EventListener class is not needed in Python; you can include it for its documentation value if you like but Python does not require interfaces the way Java does.
class EventBus: EVENT_GROW_LEAVES = 0
__listeners = {}
def register(listener, eventType): if __listeners.has_key(eventType): curListeners = __listeners.get(eventType) curListeners.append(listener) else: __listeners[eventType] = [listener]
def fire(eventType): if __listeners.has_key(eventType): x = __listeners.get(eventType) for l in x: l.eventOccurred(eventType) that is what I am thinking. However, i guess my issue is how to make EventBus a singleton or prevent it from being instaniated and making it's methods statically accessible.
One way to do this is to make an EventBus module and make __listeners, register() and fire() be module attributes. Your client code would look like
import EventBus
Kent --