On Jun 4, 2009, at 7:45 AM, willgun wrote:

By the way ,what does 'best regards' means at the end of a mail?

"regards" is just respectful (and slightly formal) goodbye. Have a look at the definition:

It's used much more in written communication than in spoken.

At the end of a letter (or email), you might also see simply "regards", or "warm regards" (which is especially friendly) or "kind regards".

At the end of a meeting of two friends A and B, A might say to B, "Give my regards to X" where X is a person that both A and B know that B will soon see. A is asking B to "carry" good wishes to X. Instead, A could have said to B, "When you see X, please tell her I'm thinking of her fondly".

One can also say, "I hold him in high regard", meaning, "I respect and admire him".

I'm in the USA; other English speakers might see this differently.


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