This probably has a snowballs change in hell of ending up in builtins or even some in some module, but such things should not prevent one to try and present the arguments for what one thinks is right. Else one would end up with consequentialism and that way lies madness and hyperreality.
So here is my proposed suggestion for a once and for all reconciliation of various functions in itertools that can not stand on their own and keep a straight face. Because of backwards compatibility issues we cannot remove them but we can boldly jump forward and include the right repeat in the builtin namespace, which I think would be the best thing. Alternatively -- the second best solution -- would be to give this function its own namespace where it can supersede the old incongruencies in itertools. Combiniter or combinator? P. from itertools import count from functools import partial def repeat(iterable, cycles = None, times = 1): L = [] for x in iterable: for i in xrange(times): yield x L.append(x) counter = count if cycles is None else partial(xrange,cycles-1) for _ in counter(): for x in L: for i in xrange(times): yield x def test(): #making the case for repeat from itertools import islice, cycle times = 2 n = 3 cycles = 2 L = range(n) #look ma, no islice! print list(repeat(L, cycles)) print list(repeat(L, cycles, times)) #repeat without extra args works like itertools.cycle: print list(islice(repeat(L),len(L)*cycles)) print list(islice(cycle(L),len(L)*cycles)) #enclosing a single item in a list emulates #itertools.repeat functionality: print list(repeat(['Mr. Anderson'],cycles)) if __name__ == '__main__': test() --