I have some strings, and I want to write them into a text files, one string one line but there is a requirement: every line has a max length of a certain number(for example, 10), so I have to replace extra SPACE*3 with SPACE*2, at the same time, I want to make the string looks good, so, for "I am123456line123456three"(to show the SPACE clearly, I type it with a number), the first time, I replace the first SPACE, and get "I am23456line123456three", then I must replace at the second SPACE block, so I get "I am23456line23456three", and so on, if no SPACE*3 is found, I have to aString.replace(SPACE*2, SPACE). I hope I have stated my case clear.
Then the question is, is there a nice solution? thanx -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list