Johannes Bauer wrote:

Any help is appreciated!

This is on the fringe of exploitation, but hey, maybe the code helps you think about the algorithm.

IMHO the following code is a glaring complaint about the injustice of omission itertools inflicts on the perfectly natural and obvious procedure of repeat_each (whatever it's name ought to be):

from itertools  import izip, islice, cycle

def repeat_each(seq,n):
    while True:
        for x in seq:
            for i in range(n):
                yield x

def repeat_all(seq,n):
    while True:
        for i in range(n):
            for x in seq:
                yield x

def product(X):
    N = []
    total = 1
    for x in X:
        total *= len(x)
    R = [repeat_all(repeat_each(x,k),n)
                    for x,k,n in izip(X,N,reversed(N))]
    return islice(izip(*R),total)

def test1():
    L = ['a', 'bc','def' ]
    for x in product(L):
        print x

def test2():
    repeat_all = cycle

if __name__ == '__main__':

See? Repeat_all and repeat_each are almost brothers, just separated by the tiniest rearrangement of their genetic code (or should I say code genetics?). Yet one is included as 'itertools.cycle' and the other is doomed to live in limbo. Such injustice! Can it be that 'itertools.repeat' has usurped repeat_each's rightful position?


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