Op 2005-04-20, Terry Hancock schreef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Wednesday 20 April 2005 12:28 pm, Roy Smith wrote:
>> Terry Hancock wrote:
>> >> I used to make "off by one" errors all the time in both C and Fortran,
>> >> whereas I hardly ever make them in Python. 
>> Part of the reason may be that most loops over lists involve
>> iterators, 
>> both endpoints are mentioned explicitly.  C++/STL also uses iterators,
>> but the syntax is repulsive.
> That's true of course.  It's more likely to show up in manipulating
> lists or strings.  And Python provides a much richer environment for
> processing strings, so one has to deal with explicit indexing much
> less.
> But I still think that I make fewer error per instance of dealing with
> intervals. It's rare that I even have to think about it much when
> writing such a thing.   Negative indexing also helps a lot.
I'm anbivallent about negative indexes. It helps a lot, but can
be annoying a lot too. IMO it deters from the, its easier to
be forgiven than to get permission, style of programming.

It happens rather regularly that I need to do some calculations
and if the start conditions were good, I get a valid index for
a list and otherwise I get an invalid index. From this specification
the following seems a natural way to program

    index = calculate(...)
    lst[index] = ...
  except IndexError

But of course this doesn't work because a negative index in this
case is an invalid index but python allows it.

I sometimes think python should have been more explicite here,
using a marker for the start-index and end-index, may '^' and
'$'. So if you wanted the last element you had to write:


And for the next to last element:

  lst[$ - 1]

This would make accessing list elements counted from the rear
almost just as easy as it is now but wouldn't interfere with
the ask forgiveness programming style.

Antoon Pardon

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