Hi Tommy,

After reading what you've written, it is still very vague for me. Is it a program that reads a specification and outputs the corresponding codes in the langauge you want?


Tommy Nordgren wrote:

I'm interested in doing a rather ambitious project concerning compiler
construction tools. My tools will parse specification files containing for example lalr
parser specifications.
The specifications will contain embedded semantic actions which i want to
allow writing in any object-oriented language.
The specifications will name a scripting language and a target language module . Then my tool will create an embedded interpreter for the scripting language, which will load a target language module written in the scripting language, and use it to generate code in the target language.

I want to provide my system as open source.

Now my basic problem is how to find what scripting languages are installed on a users system, and generate the necessary makefiles automatically. I will be using swig for interface creation.
I want to support at least perl and python, with target language support for at least java and c++ initially.

I probably want to support codegenerators written in ruby and tcl as well.

Any help would be appreciated.

I prefer email replies to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Stockholm, April 21, 2005 Tommy Nordgren

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