On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 3:21 PM, Dennis Lee Bieber <wlfr...@ix.netcom.com>wrote:

>        This won't work as the DB-API is going to quote the parameter, and
> the final result would be '%'whatever'%'. Essentially, you must put the
> wildcard marker on the actual parameter before feeding it to the API.
> --
>        Wulfraed        Dennis Lee Bieber               KD6MOG
>        wlfr...@ix.netcom.com           wulfr...@bestiaria.com
>                HTTP://wlfraed.home.netcom.com/
>        (Bestiaria Support Staff:               web-a...@bestiaria.com)
>                HTTP://www.bestiaria.com/
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

it works for me :)

mysql> select * from test_table ;
| a    | b    | c    |
| 0    | 0    | 0    |
| 1    | 1    | 1    |
| 2    | 2    | 2    |
| 3    | 3    | 3    |
| 4    | 4    | 4    |
| 5    | 5    | 5    |
| 6    | 6    | 6    |
| 7    | 7    | 7    |
| 8    | 8    | 8    |
| 9    | 9    | 9    |
| 10   | 10   | 10   |
| 11   | 11   | 11   |
| 12   | 12   | 12   |
| 13   | 13   | 13   |
| 14   | 14   | 14   |
| 15   | 15   | 15   |
| 16   | 16   | 16   |
| 17   | 17   | 17   |
| 18   | 18   | 18   |
| 19   | 19   | 19   |
| 20   | 20   | 20   |
| 21   | 21   | 21   |
| 22   | 22   | 22   |
| 23   | 23   | 23   |
| 24   | 24   | 24   |
| 25   | 25   | 25   |
| 26   | 26   | 26   |
| 27   | 27   | 27   |
| 28   | 28   | 28   |
| 29   | 29   | 29   |
30 rows in set (0.00 sec)

>>> import MySQLdb
>>> conn = MySQLdb.connect (host='localhost', user='root', passwd='crappy',
>>> input_crap = "0"
>>> conn.query("select * from test_table where a like '%%%s%%'" %input_crap)
>>> result = conn.store_result()
>>> rows = result.num_rows()
>>> cols = result.num_fields()
>>> data = result.fetch_row(rows,1)
>>> print data
({'a': '0', 'c': '0', 'b': '0'}, {'a': '10', 'c': '10', 'b': '10'}, {'a':
'20', 'c': '20', 'b': '20'})


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