I have an object the I would like to use as a base class.  Some of the
methods I would like to override completely, but others I would simply
like to call the base class method and use the return value in the
child method.  The purpose here is to eliminate the duplication of
valuable code in the parent, when I really just need the child to
operate of a results of the parent.

Consider the following two classes;

class Parent(object):
    def process(self, value):
        retval = "Parent.result('%s')" % value
        return retval

class Child(Parent):
    def __init__(self):

    def process(self, value):
        retval = "Child.result('%s')" % super(Child, self).process
        return retval

So ....

foo = Child()
print foo.process('the value')
>> Child.result('Parent.result('the value')')

IS there another pattern or idiom that would accomplish this?
This seems a bit 'smelly' to me.  Also seems almost the inverse of
decorators, but I am not sure decorators would be appropriate in this

Any help suggestions would be appreciated.


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