Laszlo Nagy wrote:
Here is the next problem. For boolean/logical fields, I can set their
value to True/False easily. However, setting NULL seems impossible:
rec = tbl.newRecord()
rec["SOMEFIELD1"] = True # Works fine
rec["SOMEFIELD2"] = False # Works fine
rec["SOMEFIELD3"] = None # Will store False
rec["SOMEFIELD3"] = 0 # Will store False
rec["SOMEFIELD3"] = "" # Will store False
rec["SOMEFIELD3"] = chr(32) # Will store False
rec["SOMEFIELD3"] = chr(0) # Will store False
Strange thing: if I do not set the value of a numeric field, it becomes
NULL. The same thing I cannot do for logical fields: if I do not set the
value of a logical field, it becomes an invalid value, denoted with a
question mark.
Any ideas?
Not sure if this would help, but you might try
At this point, the only data types allowed to be Null are dates and
times, everything else is coerced to Pythons idea of nothing if not set
(strings are '', numerics are 0, etc -- again, the only exception being
dates and times which, IIRC, default to the moment of record creation).
Hope this helps.