Sumitava Mukherjee wrote:
I need to randomly sample from a list where all choices have weights attached to them. The probability of them being choosen is dependent on the weights.
I am not sure why everybody is normalizing by dividing the weights. This isa possibility (I had fun writing it).
def sample_without_replacement(choices, weights): '''Yield elements sampled w/o replacement by weighting''' if len(weights) != len(choices): raise ValueError('%d choices, but %d weights?' % ( len(choices), len(weights))) if min(weights) < 0: raise ValueError('Negative weights?: %s' % ( [(i, w) for i, w in enumerate(weights) if w < 0])) # look at only non-zero probabilities combined = [(w, v) for w, v in zip(weights, choices) if w > 0] # Go from highest probability down to reduce expected traversal combined.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(0), reverse=True) total = sum(w for w, v in combined) # sum(weights) also works while combined: spot = sample = random.random() * total for n, (weight, choice) in enumerate(combined): spot -= weight if spot <= 0: break else: # n, (weight, choice) = 0, combined[0] # Highest probability raise ValueError('%f left after choosing %f/%f?: %s' % ( spot, sample, total, combined)) yield choice total -= weight if weight > total * 256: # arbitrary choice for recalculation # precision affected, rebuild total = sum(w for w, v in combined) del combined[n] raise ValueError('Samplng more than %d without replacement?' % ( sum(1 for w in weights if w > 0))) for n in range(10): gen = sample_without_replacement('abcdef', [32,16,8,4,2,1]) print,, --Scott David Daniels --