Martin P. Hellwig wrote:
<cut see previous>
I can do a quick one albeit without citation:

- Have you googled/searched?
- No really, have you?
- Are you really, really sure?

- So what did you 'search for|tried before' which didn't returned a result you can work with?
- What does that tell you about yourself?
- So what do _you_ think _you_ should do first to solve _your_ problem?

- Okay, fair enough, tell me your problem, give me some background, give me some examples, skip the waffling, be polite I am here out of my own good will.

A: See you haven't searched properly | Hmm intriguing | Seems like a bug, contact the author

Oh I forgot:
- Be complete, don't forget essential things
- Write simple sentences, I don't want to guess the meaning of your epistle
- Use a spell checker
- It doesn't hurt to reread before hitting the send button

'If consumed, best digested with added seasoning to own preference.'

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