Tim Roberts wrote:
Dave Angel <da...@ieee.org> wrote:
Anyway, now you can see two batch files you could use to make a particular version of Python active. The first one uses assoc and ftype to fix the asssociations. And the other changes the environment variable PATHEXT to make the extension optional. Note that changing the environment variable is effective only for that DOS box, and its children. If you want a permanent change, you need to change the registry, probably at hklm\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Contro/Session\Session Manager\Environment\PATHEXT

The better way to do this is to bring up the System control panel applet
(shortcut: WindowsKey + Pause/Break), Advanced, Environment Variables.  In
the System variables, click PATHEXT and Edit, and add ;.PY;.PYW to the end.

Certainly that's how I'd do it. But the OP was averse to even using the OpenWith dialog to change the file associations. He wanted a commandline/batch/script way of doing it. So why would I give him the same kind of an answer for modifying environment vars?


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