I don't know the answer, but to do you a favour (and increase the visibility), I'm replying with a more... explicit subject line.
=== Original message === On Thursday 21 May 2009 09:19:23 am Craig wrote: > http://downloads.emperorlinux.com/contrib/pyiw > http://downloads.emperorlinux.com/contrib/pywpa > > > Sorry fro the 2 post.How do i install a python moudles write en in C? ===== [Suggestions for next time: always write a subject relevant to the /specific/ question you are asking. Bonus if you can make it interesting. Never leave the subject line empty. If you need to correct yourself, reply to your own message instead of opening a new thread.] -- Luis Zarrabeitia (aka Kyrie) Fac. de Matemática y Computación, UH. http://profesores.matcom.uh.cu/~kyrie -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list