This may be an algorithmic question, but I'm trying to code it in
Python, so...

I have a list of pairwise regions, each with an integer start and end
and a float data point. There may be overlaps between the regions. I
want to resolve this into an ordered list with no overlapping

My initial solution was to sort the list by the start point, and then
compare each adjacent region, clipping any overlapping section in
half. I've attached code at the bottom. Unfortunately, this does not
work well if you have sections that have three or more overlapping

A more general solution is to work out where all the overlaps are
before I start. Then I can break up the region space based on what
regions overlap each section and take averages of all the datapoints
that are present in a particular section. Devising an algorithm to do
this is making my brain hurt. Any ideas?


# also validates the data
def clipRanges(regions):
        for i in range(len(regions) - 1):
                thispoint = regions[i]
                nextpoint = regions[i+1]
                assert thispoint[1] > thispoint[0] and       nextpoint[1] > 
"point read not valid"
                thisend = thispoint[1]
                nextstart = nextpoint[0]
                diff = thisend - nextstart
                # a difference of zero is too close together
                if diff > -1:
                        if diff % 2 == 1:
                                diff += 1
                        correction = diff / 2
                        newend = thisend - correction
                        newstart = newend + 1
                        assert newend > thispoint[0] and nextpoint[1] > newstart, 
range not valid!"
                        newthispoint = (thispoint[0], newend, thispoint[2])
                        newnextpoint = (newstart, nextpoint[1], nextpoint[2])
                        regions[i] = newthispoint
                        regions[i+1] = newnextpoint
        return regions

regions = [ (0,10,2.5), (12,22,3.5), (15,25,1.2), (23, 30,0.01), (27,
37,1.23), (30, 35, 1.45) ]
regions2 = [ (0,10,2.5), (1,11,1.1), (2,12,1.2) ]

# works fine, produces [(0, 10, 2.5), (12, 18, 3.5), (19, 24, 1.2),
(25, 28, 0.01), (29, 33, 1.23), (34, 35, 1.45)]
print clipRanges(regions)
# violates "new range not valid" assertion
print clipRanges(regions2)

Is the upper bound of a range inclusive or exclusive? If it's exclusive
(like in Python) then it's empty only if lower == upper, and an overlap
occurs only if first.upper > second.lower (and you can have newstart ==
newend in your code).

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