Suppose I have a simple query in sqlite3 in a function:

    def lookupxy(x, y):
        conn.execute("SELECT * FROM table WHERE COL1 = ? AND COL2 = ?",
                     (x, y))

However, COL2 might be NULL. I can't figure out a value for y that would 
retrieve rows for which COL2 is NULL. It seems to me that I have to perform an 
awkward test to determine whether to execute a query with one question mark or 

    def lookupxy(x, y):
        if y:
            conn.execute("SELECT * FROM table WHERE COL1 = ? AND COL2 = ?",
                         (x, y))
            conn.execute("SELECT * FROM table WHERE COL1 = ? AND COL2 IS NULL",

The more question marks involved the more complicated this would get, 
especially if question marks in the middle of several would sometimes need to 
be NULL. I hope I'm missing something and that someone can tell me what it is.

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