On May 13, 8:27 pm, CTO <debat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On May 13, 8:19 am, bearophileh...@lycos.com wrote:
> > godshorse, you may use the "shortestPaths" method of this graph class
> > of mine:http://sourceforge.net/projects/pynetwork/
> > (It uses the same Dijkstra code by Eppstein).
> > (Once you have all distances from a node to the other ones, it's not
> > too much difficult to find the tree you talk about).
> > Also see the Minimum spanning 
> > tree:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minimum_spanning_tree
> > Bye,
> > bearophile
> Let me add a caution to what bearophile says here- a minimum spanning
> tree minimizes
> the weight of the *whole tree*, not the individual paths in that tree,
> which seems
> to be what you're going after. Those can be pretty different things.
> Geremy Condra

no love for floyds algorithm. so simple :D


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