>>>>> Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand> (LD) wrote:
>LD> In message <slrnh0fqu4.qcl.n...@irishsea.home.craig-wood.com>, Nick Craig- >LD> Wood wrote: >>> Rhodri James <rho...@wildebst.demon.co.uk> wrote: >>> >>>> Emacs is my editor of choice ... >>> >>> You probably haven't used MAC OS X then! >LD> I tried using Emacs via SSH from a Mac once. Made me run screaming for the >LD> nearest Windows box The standard Windows box doesn't even have SSH AFAIK. I edit remote files on my local Emacs on Mac OS X with tramp, certainly when they are on a SSH-accessible machine. Works like a charm. -- Piet van Oostrum <p...@cs.uu.nl> URL: http://pietvanoostrum.com [PGP 8DAE142BE17999C4] Private email: p...@vanoostrum.org -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list