Hi! I have a big problem I can't solve and I hope anyone of you can help me. I use the Python C API and in C++ I have a class which represets a thread object, similiar to the thread class of the known Python Thread class but with some needed additions so thats the reason why I have to built my own. Well, this is the problem.
There is a method called Thread::End() which I can call in Python. But now the End() Function waits until the "Main" Function of my C++ class is done, but in this method I want to ensure the Global Interpreter Lock but this is already locked by the Thread which executes the End() command. So both is waiting and stops. The thread which calls the End () method is waiting for the finish of the Main() method of the Thread Class and the Main-Method in the other thread waits for the thread of the End() command that this is done - welcome Deadlock. Any suggestions what I have to do? Thank you veeery much for you help, otherwise I become really crazy here because this is the first time I have such a problem. Bye :) -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list