Hi, I had written a python 2.4 program. When I made it to an executable with py2exe, it told that the mfc71.dll is not added - so I may have to ship it separately. It also showed many other dll's which are all in windows/system32 - which again it said is not added. Now, I have two questions - (1) Should I include mfc71.dll separately? - I found in the following dicsussion - http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.python/browse_thread/thread/96933f0b9a1a0f12/887675601f5c5c63 - that mfc71 might not be needed. Should I ship it separately? (2) The dlls in windows/system32 - do I need to ship it separately?
Koran -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list