<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | 1. I download a page in python using urllib and now want to convert and | keep it as utf-8? I already know the original encoding of the page. | What calls should I make to convert the encoding of the page to utf8? | For example, let's say the page is encoded in gb2312 (simple chinese) | and I want to keep it in utf-8?
Something like: utf8_s = s.decode('gb2312').encode('utf-8') - with s being the simplified chinese string - should work. | | 2. Is this a good approach? Can I keep any pages in any languages in | this way and return them when requested using utf-8 encoding? | | 3. Does python 2.4 support all encodings? See http://docs.python.org/lib/standard-encodings.html for an overview. | | By the way, I have set my default encoding in Python to utf8. | Why would you want to do that? -- Vincent Wehren | | I appreciate any help. | | -JF | -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list