John Doe wrote:
George Sakkis <> wrote:
John Doe <j...@usenetlove.invalid> wrote:
Having trouble tabifying a section of Python code.
Code -- Tabify Region
Does it work for anyone else?
Yes it does, you have to select a region before (e.g. ctrl+A for
the whole file). Regardless, the common standard indentation is 4
spaces; avoid tabs if you can.
Actually, what I was looking for was indent, not tab.
And I found that in the menu.
Another question...
There is a region on the left margin to the left of the code and to
the right of the outlining area, in between the code and the
outlining area. It looks like an area used to select lines. But
dragging the pointer down that area does nothing apparent. Isn't
that supposed to select lines of text? Maybe I have colors set
wrong, but selected text does show up when selected other ways. Or
maybe that area is nonfunctional, left over from the IDE?
Quickest way to indent multiple lines is to select them, then press
tab. However, there is a a menu item for it, Code->Increase Line Indent.
In the Komodo IDE, the region you're describing is used to set
breakpoints. As far as I know, there's no specific 'select lines' mouse
action, you just select characters that happen to constitute whole lines.