Grant Edwards <inva...@invalid> wrote:
> > I suppose I could do the following:-
> >
> >     lock the mbox
> >     get the atime
> >     add the new message with mailbox.mbox.add()
> >     restore the atime
> >     unlock the mbox
> You could fix mbox.add().  ;)
Yes, but I'm not sure that I'm that competant!

> > All I need to do now is find out how to get and set atime with python.
> You use os.utime().
> From
> os.utime(path, times)
>     Set the access and modified times of the file specified by
>     path. If times is None, then the file's access and
>     modified times are set to the current time. (The effect is
>     similar to running the Unix program touch on the path.)
>     Otherwise, times must be a 2-tuple of numbers, of the form
>     (atime, mtime) which is used to set the access and modified
>     times, respectively. Whether a directory can be given for
>     path depends on whether the operating system implements
>     directories as files (for example, Windows does not). Note
>     that the exact times you set here may not be returned by a
>     subsequent stat() call, depending on the resolution with
>     which your operating system records access and modification
>     times; see stat().
>     Changed in version 2.0: Added support for None for times.
>     Availability: Unix, Windows.

Chris Green


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