Krishnakant <> writes:

> So now if I say for example choose ubuntu and debian for my testing
> purpose, should I put all the packages I make into
> /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages? Will this be a safe choice for
> at least debian and Ubuntu?

No, for Debian and/or Ubuntu, you should avoid moving files around
manually and instead use the developer tools available. You should use
the latest ‘debhelper’ for many of the general and specific low-level
tasks needed while building a package, and you should use the latest
‘python-support’ (which works in concert with ‘debhelper’) for a conduit
between your ‘’ and the Debian packaging system.

For more information, read the Debian Developer's Reference (for general
instructions on making packages for Debian), and the documentation for
the ‘python-support’ package.

 \           “If [a technology company] has confidence in their future |
  `\      ability to innovate, the importance they place on protecting |
_o__)     their past innovations really should decline.” —Gary Barnett |
Ben Finney

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