On Fri, 24 Apr 2009 12:37:02 -0500, Joacim Thomassen
<joa...@net.homelinux.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to get my first PyQt4 application to work as intended, but it 
> seems I'm stuck and out of ideas for now.
> The program is a simple GUI showing an image. If the image on disk change

> my intension is that the displayed image in my application also change 
> accordingly.
> What works: The filesystem change is detected and my program prints out 
> "Change happened!"
> what is the problem: The image shown in the application is not changed.
> What am I doing wrong here? Any ideas and suggestions are appreciated.

I don't know if it is the cause but 2 of your super() calls use the wrong


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