We have where syntax in combination with suite expression syntax (bear with me,
I think a good synergy will emerge ;-)


are the key referneces for background (I'm just repeating from Oren's post for 

The first suggests a grammar mod for its proposed "with" (rather than the name 
but it doesn't cover the variations we are discussing now.

If "where" is not a good word, and "with" is destined for use that may clash, 
how about "letting"
or if that's too long, "per" ? Anyway, the new stuff adds the new compound 

Here's a cut at Grammar modifications: (though I guess the grammar in


is really closer to actual parsing. BTW, how is the Grammar file that comes 
with the sources maintained along with the former?
E.g., I didn't see how the latter parses a non-assignment expression as a 
statement, e.g.
     NAME '(' ')'
Maybe I have a glitched version of Grammar?

But anyway, since I did this already, it will serve as a sketch:

compound_stmt: if_stmt | while_stmt | for_stmt | try_stmt | funcdef | classdef 
| letting_stmt | named_suite_stmt
small_stmt: tiny_stmt | flow_stmt | import_stmt | global_stmt | exec_stmt
tiny_stmt:  expr_stmt | print_stmt  | del_stmt | pass_stmt | import_stmt | 

letting_stmt: tiny_stmt 'letting' ( let_stmt | ':' suite )
let_stmt: named_suite_stmt | assignments_stmt
assignments_stmt: expr_stmt??

named_suite_stmt: NAME suite_expr
suite_expr: '::' suite | parameters ':' suite | 'def' parameters ':' suite

I split out a tiny_stmt subset of small_stmt so we won't accept "continue 
letting x=5" and such.

Basically we have either

    <tiny_stmt> letting:
         <suite>  # meaning any possible suite, but obviously should concern 
                  # with binding names for tiny_stmt to use

    <tiny_stmt> letting <let_stmt>

where <let_stmt> binds names by assignment, or by a named_suite_stmt, e.g, 
(assuming a bare expression is parsed as an expr_stmt)

      foo(x) letting x=1  # simple let_stmt as assignmerns_stmt
      foo(x, y) letting x,y = 1,2 # assignments_stmt should exclude augassign 
operators so is not ==
      safe_open(tk, 'data.txt') letting tk(f):
          # this suite is thunk tk's body, called back by foo, passing safely 
opened f as arg
          longest = max(len(line) for line in f) # save result longest in local 

If you put the ':' after letting, you introduce a general suite whose bindings 
will override any name bindings
otherwise used by the preceding tiny_stmt, e.g, the above in letting: form
      foo(x) letting:
          x=1  # simple let_stmt as assignmerns_stmt
      foo(x, y) letting:
          x,y = 1,2 # assignments_stmt should exclude augassign operators so is 
not ==
      safe_open(tk, 'data.txt') letting:
              # this suite is thunk tk's body, called back by foo, passing 
safely opened f as arg
              longest = max(len(line) for line in f) # save result longest in 
local namespace

Note that tk(f): and its suite work just like a def, except for binding a thunk 
instead. You can also
bind tk to the thunk expression, analogous to binding a lambda to what a def 
name would bind, e.g.,
This is will do the same as above, though the isolated (f): may look 
unfamiliar, ;-)
      safe_open(tk, 'data.txt') letting:
          tk = (f):
              # this suite is thunk tk's body, called back by foo, passing 
safely opened f as arg
              longest = max(len(line) for line in f) # save result longest in 
local namespace

Since letting: introduces a full-fledged suite, nested lettings of both kinds 
become possible, e.g.

      foo(tk, func, *args, **kw) letting:
          kw = dict(tuplist) letting:
              tuplist = [(1,'one'), (2,'two')] # silly example
          args = d.values() letting d:: # d becomes dict of suite bindings
              a = 123
              def foo(x):
          tk(logitem):                  # tk becomes thunk with body defined in 
following suite
              print logitem
          def func(x, y):               # func is ordinary but transient 
              return 'Hi from fun with', (x,y)          
What I haven't covered is the same-indentation aligned 'with' following a 
statement, as seems permitted
in Nick reference post where he says
Grammar Change
   statement ::=    stmt_list NEWLINE | compound_stmt

   statement ::=    (stmt_list NEWLINE | compound_stmt) [local_namespace]
   local_namespace ::= "with" ":" suite

I'll have to leave that for now. Anyway, hope this all evolves into something 
neat ;-)

Actually, I don't like "letting" that much as the word. I keep having to type 
where^H^H^H^H^Hletting ;-)
"per" would be short, but maybe not mnemonic enough. "with" might be good, but 
I am allowing
with not to have a colon, e.g. with a single thunk definition for a function 

      final_status = safe_open(tk, 'data.txt') with tk(f):
          longest = max(len(line) for line in f)

Since my 'letting' is effectively a tiny_stmt trailer and anticipated with 
usage is more header like,
maybe that is enough to disambiguate. I'll have to see the future with grammar.

Hm, Let's see if Nick Coghlan's summary of examples can be handled with letting:


# Statement local functions (from Andrey Tatarinov)
#   aka How to cope if lambda goes away :)
res = [ f(i) for i in objects ] with:
    def f(x):
        #do something
OK as is.

# Declaring properties (from Nick Coghlan)
class C(object):
    x = property(get, set) with:
        def get(self):
        def set(self, value):
OK as is.

# Design by contract (from Nick Coghlan)
@dbc(pre, post)
def foo():
   def pre():
   def post():

Problem, but if decorator expressions were allowed to have letting,

    @dbc(pre, post) letting:
        def pre(): pass
        def post(): pass
    def foo():

# Singleton classes (from Paul Rubin)
C = C() with:
   class C:
OK as is.

# Complex default values (from Carlos Ribeiro)
def f(x=default()):
   def default():

Since this is not decorated, I can do it with an anonymous def suite expression
which, being an expression (making the whole a simple expr assignment) allows 

f = def(x=default()):
    letting: # dedent to this line ends anonymous def suite and goes back to 
expression context
       def default():

To show the expression nature better, (not that it's a preferred spelling ;-),
the expression is parenthesized, and closes  with the closing ')'

f = (def(x=default()):
    ) letting:
       def default():
or uglier:
f = (def(x=default()):
       pass) letting:
           def default():

You could even write a one-liner for this, since the suites are one-liner 
passes ;-)

f = (def(x=default()):pass) letting default=(def():pass)

So there was really only a problem with the decorator.
But I gotta go for now.

Bengt Richter

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