On Apr 20, 12:35 pm, Alan G Isaac <alan.is...@gmail.com> wrote:
If I want to propagate changes to a font,
I can just use a named font.

What if I want to propagate color changes?
(E.g., a change in background color for
a number of widgets.)

On 4/20/2009 1:59 PM Mike Driscoll apparently wrote:
One way would be to keep a list of the widgets that you want to be
able to change the color of, and then loop over the list and change
their respective colors as needed.

Yes, that's what I am currently doing.
But it seems that that is exactly the kind of thing
we are enabled to avoid with e.g., named fonts.
So I was hoping for an equivalent functionality
for colors.  From your answer, I am guessing there
is none.

This is an example where different behavior by
StringVar could have been put to good use, I think.


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