In article <>,
 <> wrote:
>On Apr 18, 4:28=A0pm, (Aahz) wrote:
>> Essentially, you use the Queue instead of the Condition. =A0When you want
>> to explicitly give up control in a thread, you get() on the Queue until
>> you get an object (with the optional timeout). =A0When the other thread i=
>> done processing, it puts an object on the Queue (optionally doing a
>> get_nowait() at some point if it wants to make sure the Queue is cleaned
>> up).
>Yep but as I said I have nothing to pass around
You create it -- it's essentially a plain sentinel in this case.

>> The critical advantage of using Queue is that you don't have to do the
>> acquire()/release() dance.
>And neither do I have to using the "with" statement ;)

Fair enough -- I was stuck on Python 2.3 in my last job and I still
haven't caught up.
Aahz (           <*>

"If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait
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